At Peace

My Lifetime Stories in blog

Monday, January 10, 2005

Salam Iftitah

Finally my own version of blog is up and running. After seeing other people's blog (thanks to Shaiq Aiman for his interesting blog), my wife kept giving me hint to create my own blog.And here i am now, and she doesn't even know that i am doing this.
Blog ni macam diari, cuma unlike diari, kita berharap sgt yg akan ada org sudi baca catatan/luahan kita. Dan cara utk kita tahu plg mudah, biler org tu tulis komen or maybe at least take something good out of it. Teringat masa masa tulis diari dulu, from 4 & 5... those finest years of mine. lelaki tulis diari? lembik....? ikutlah. As for me, peluang utk ingat balik apa terjadi hari tu dan ambil pengajaran... fuuhhh, reading those entries back make me smile... and laugh... dan sayu pun ada. it was like writing my dreams. biler baca balik, memang boleh ingat apa jadi dalam mimpi tu... vaguely. sayangnya, tak kekal lama. Mana nak larat... 1 minggu jer dah penuh beberapa helai kertas A4. Biler kekadang terjadi 'deja vu', barulah berharap yg aku teruskan tulis mimpi tu. Perhaps then, i might have proof yg deja vu boleh terjadi kerana mimpi... no just because there's some weird stuff happens in your temporal area of the brain.
i have a website, which has long being deserted due to tremendous pressure of studying. Dah buat version Arrpeace 2.0, however still tak siap siap lagi copy and paste walaupun senang. Yelah, dah ubah wajah, kenalah ubah isi sikit sikit. And aku rasa blog lebih sesuai (kot), sebab i can say whatever in my mind right now, and in the mean time, boleh masukkan artikel yg difikirkan sesuai. part yg aku paling suka dalam website tu ialah: View guestbook. Obvious kan sebabnya.... Hopefully, one day aku boleh teruskan website aku tu dan guna nama Check it out, probably next year?


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