At Peace

My Lifetime Stories in blog

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sincerity is not enough

I told Kamal Fariz once, that I believe there were 2 choices for muslims to make:

1. To devote oneself to the religion that he has to isolate himself from the rest
2. To live a fair life, work, have family etc, but then we are not up to the standard of the first choice.


Religion is from God. We have tried so hard to please God that we are prepared to do many things (to the point of silliness), without ever knowing whether God approve our act or not. We say that we want to isolate ourselves, or only eating grass, or be a vegetarian, or injuring ourselves during festivals, or fasting the whole year etc - which one of these acts actually does God like?

We are in dire need of guidance from God. Without His say, we will do everything that our mind could think to please him. Would helping other people enough? Or not sleeping during the night, going outside and think about the creation and The Creator- is that enough?

Evidence based Religion

In Islam, we are guided by the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. There is only 1 version of Quran. The sayings of Prophet Muhammad were analysed by the Scholars to make sure that it originates from the Prophet himself. Not only we check the text that it doesn't go against the Quran, we also check the reliability of the transmitter- whether they are liars or trustworthy, whether they have good memory or has Alzheimers. The hadith have been scrutinised by the scholar to make we know which one is definitely coming from Prophet ((Sahih, hasan), which one is probable (Daif (weak)) and which one is fabricated. It is a bit like medicine - there are Grade A,B,C evidence from the trials. The evidence in Islam is complete while in medicine the trials will never end. Plus we rarely check the reliability of the person who did the trial, while in Islam, if the transmitter ever known to be a liar, the so-called hadith will be rejected.

Which one is better, God's way or human's way of worshipping God? Would God then leave human being in searching of the ways to worship him, or (because He is Most Wise) will he send guidance to guide the mankind? Hence the Prophet. If you think that there is a Supreme Being, but did not believe in organized religion, then God might not be as clever then. Why would he create us to worship Him if he didn't show us some sort of ways to worship him? Exalted God from all the defects. Probably 'organized religion' might not actually be as bad as the what we see being portrayed.

Ikhlas is not enough

In Islam, ikhlas (sincerity) is vitally important in order for our worship to be accepted by God. If we pray or fast or giving charity in order to be respected by human beings, then it will not be accepted by God. Similarly if we pray Maghrib 4 rakaat instead of 3 in order to please Allah sincerely (ikhlas), would that be accepted then? Definitely not. Because that is not in accordance of what God wants!! We want a nice amber colour car, but we got an expensive shining pink jeep - it just doesn't suit us. (Of course we can sell the jeep to get extra money and then buy the car we want, but God is not in need of the extra money!!)

So we come to the second requirement for our worship, that is our way of worshipping has to be according to what God wants - in Islam, this is according to what Quran and the Prophet said. Why is this important? This is to prevent people from inventing new ways of worshipping God and say God likes it because we are doing it sincerely for Him. As I said earlier, sincerity alone is not enough.

Application of these 2 concepts

Back to my original 'conclusion' to Kamal Fariz, that we Muslims have 2 choices to make. After knowing these 2 requirements, I have come to the conclusion that there is only 1 option. There has always been only 1 option. Number 2.

Prophet Muhammad is the perfect example of how our life should be. Of course there are parts where he used camel and we use cars, etc. What i meant was the religion of Islam is complete with him being the primary example. If he, being the last Prophet of God, still work, and marry, and had children, and smile, and cry, - who are we to say that we should not work and isolate ourselves, or not get married, or should not be happy? Do we think we know religion more than the prophet? Silly me to think that way 10 years ago!!

May Allah forgive us and keep us in the straight path.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Berdampingan dgn penjual minyak wangi

Once upon a time

Semasa di Taiping, aku mau berkawan dengan semua. Tak kira rakan masjid, rakan bola mahupun rakan ‘terbang’. Sometimes I felt desperate to have some sort of link with them. Tak pastilah masa tengah gila nama ataupun kuasa. Siapa tahu. Or was it my intention to see through them, looking for the kindness. I believe at that time, that we should have the ability to differentiate between the person himself, and the act that they did. We hate the act that they did, but not the person.

I still hold the same value. I still think the difficulty differentiating the two makes us confused. We should be able to see the difference between the government and the BN party. If people hate the party, don’t throw tantrum on every government officer who is doing his job. If people hate PAS, please differentiate between what is pure kepartian, and what is Islam. Don’t put everything in the same boat.

Friends with everybody

However, I do have reservation about ‘friend with everybody’. Should we accept every friend request in facebook, or should we be selective of people we might know? I do encourage people to make friends, but be selective in whom we choose to be in our circle of close friends. When I was in Taiping, the world around me was small so I cannot afford not to know people. Now in the real world, we have so many people around us that it is impossible to be friends with everybody. The question has now become – which one should we choose to be our friend? (or we can just wait and see who come to greet us first)

Rasulullah said: A man is upon the religion of his khalil (close friend), so let each one of you be careful about the person he chooses to be his close friend (Ahmad – Hasan Hadith)

I used to oppose the idea that we should be friend with ‘good’ person only. Mainly because I hate to see a group of ‘good’ people on one side, and ‘not so good’ people on the other side. My thinking was, if there is no mix, then there will be no transfer of knowledge of what is right or wrong. I still hold that is true, hence I agree there should be some form of mixing between good and not-yet-good people. However, I realise one day that I have been thinking too hard on helping other people (kononnya) that I forgot I need help myself as well!

We need good companion as well

The example of a righteous companion and an evil one is that of a carrier of al-Musk (type of perfume) and a blower of bellows. As for the carrier of al-Musk, either he will give to you as a gift, or you will buy from him, or you will find a pleasant odour emanating from him. And as for the blower of bellows, either he will burn clothes or you will find a foul odour emanating from him. (Bukhari)

Have we checked whether we spent more times with the carrier-of-al-Musk-type, or the blower-of-bellows-type? If we firmly believe in the Day of Judgment, we should make it our effort and priority to be with the nicer smell ones. What for? Because if they are what they are (meaning they are true believers), then they might be able to help us in the day of resurrection!

When the believers are beyond the Fire, they will plead with Allah on behalf of their brothers who will then be in the Fire, saying, “Our Lord, they used to fast with us, pray with us, and go to hajj with us.” So they will be told, “Take out whomever you can recognize of them.” Thus they will take out a large number of people. (Bukhari)

Or better still, we will be the people who help our friends/companions from the Hellfire – but of course we don’t know this. We can only hope for.

To isolate ourselves?

Some will ask, if it is so difficult to find good companions, why not we just stay at home and do what we do best. Nobody else will care and we’ll be saved from all the temptation out there. Before we go to that extreme, listen to what Rasullulah said about people who try to mix with the community..

The believer who mixes with people and patiently endures their harm, is better than the one who does not mix with them and does not endure their harm. (Ibn Majah – Hasan hadith)

And then, if things still are difficult for us, then probably it is time for us to find a place where it is spiritually more compatible with us, or a place where the Iman will grow. It is just like the hadith of a serial killer who had killed 99 man and wondering whether God could forgive him. Eventually he was told by an ‘alim (knowledgeable person) that he should go to such and such land where people are devoted to Allah’s worship and do not go back to his land as it was an evil place.

Malaysia perhaps? Let us hope so, Insya-Allah.


Bertudung tapi berdosa

This article is a recycled article of what i wrote back in 2007.

Isu tudung banyak diperkatakan orang. ‘Pejuang’ wanita mengatakan bergantung kepada individu untuk memakai atau tidak. Daripada Astora Jabat yang membincangkan aurat ringan dan berat yang mengelirukan sehinggalah kepada Dr Asri yang membetulkan kekeliruan tersebut, semua ingin mengatakan sesuatu.

Aku juga begitu.

Aku memilih bahawa bertudung itu wajib untuk wanita. Mungkin lebih elok lagi dikatakan menutup aurat itu wajib untuk orang Islam. Memakai tudung itu baik, namun lebih sempurna apabila tudung itu menutup dada, baju berlengan panjang dan tidak ketat.

Kekadang, ada yang bertudung tetapi perangainya tidak elok. Ramai yang tidak bertudung, namun lembut sopannya kekedang mengalahkan yang lain. Teringat aku seorang rakan dari Kuwait, apabila dia melihat CD cover seorang penyanyi wanita yang tidak bertudung, dia mengatakan nerakalah tempatnya.

Namun syurga dan neraka bukanlah manusia yang menentukannya. Mendedahkan aurat memanglah berdosa. Mereka yang timbangan dosanya lebih berat drp pahala, maka neraka tempat akhirnya.

Ada yang memakai tudung memandang keji dan serong kepada mereka yang tidak, seolahnya yang bertudung confirm masuk syurga. Dalam pada itu, mereka lupa mengumpat juga adalah satu dosa. Merasa diri kita cukup baik (ujub) juga adalah dosa. Dosa-dosa ini boleh memberatkan timbangan dan menghantar kita ke neraka.

O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, in deed some suspicions are sins. And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it. ANd fear God, verily, God is the one who accepts repentance, Most Merciful. (Al-Hujurat 49:12)

Janganlah lupa, selagi nyawa kita dikandung badan, kesudahan kita masih tidak kita ketahui.

“… ada seseorang di antara kalian yang mengerjakan amalan ahli syurga sehingga tidak ada jarak antara dirinya dan syurga kecuali sehasta saja. kemudian ia didahului oleh ketetapan Allah lalu ia melakukan perbuatan ahli neraka dan ia masuk neraka. Ada diantara kalian yang mengerjakan amalan ahli neraka sehingga tidak ada lagi jarak antara dirinya dan neraka kecuali sehasta saja. kemudian ia didahului oleh ketetapan Allah lalu ia melakukan perbuatan ahli syurga dan ia masuk syurga.”
Sahih Bukhari 3208.

Mereka yang berada di Malaysia mungkin tidak dapat merasai satu nikmat memakai pakaian Islam ini. Mungkin kerana memakai tudung bukanlah sesuatu yang asing. Aku juga cuma menyedari keadaan ini setelah mendirikan tangga.

Ke mana sahaja aku dan isteri mengembara, sama ada di Dublin, Prague, Vienna, Freiburg, Frankfurt, apatah lagi Turkey; kami akan didoakan selamat sejahtera org org Islam yang lain. Ini tidak lain kerana mereka tahu kami muslim kerana isteriku bertudung.

Isteriku menceritakan, wajah para wanita Islam akan menjadi berseri seri apabila mereka berselisih di jalan sambil mengucapkan salam. Setiap kali. Seolah-olah mereka terjumpa sesuatu yang sudah lama dicari. Aku juga merasainya. Menerima salam drp org yang langsung tidak dikenali di jalanan, salam daripada tuan kedai kebab mahupun konduktor keretapi membuatkan kita rasa lebih selamat dan selesa.

Berada dalam masyarakat barat yang mempunyai stigma terhadap Islam, memakai tudung umpama melaungkan kepada semua bahawa diri ini muslim. Kita lelaki tidak merasainya, kerana sukar utk kita dikenali keislaman kita berdasarkan pakaian. Kita cuma boleh mengagak yang org ini Indian, atau Pakistani, atau Asian atau Arab. Beraninya para wanita Islam dalam mempertahankan identiti diri, dalam pada membezakan diri mereka drp kelompok utama. Memang sukar. Wearing hijab is definitely not the easiest path they have chosen. Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan kepada wanita Islam, sesuai dgn pengorbanan mereka.

Inipun sukar utk lelaki menyimpan janggut walaupun itu sunnah untuk mereka. Kerana kita tidak mahu dilihat berlainan daripada yang lain. Jauh sungguh pengorbanan kita.


Tambahan 2009:

Masih lagi berpendapat seperti di atas. Cumanya mungkin kita lebih senang melihat 'keburukan' tidak bertudung berbanding mengumpat krn mengumpat tu belakang-belakang, manakala tidak bertudung tu depan-depan. Namun, hakikatnya adalah sama - kalau berat timbangan dosa kita, ke neraka kita. Wallahu a'lam.


Friday, August 28, 2009

The first person to be indicted in resurrection day

While looking for ideas and articles to include for Ramadhan reminder, I stumbled upon this in-your-face hadith. The intention is so difficult to control. Let's say that we buy a new Audi A4 2009 version. How difficult it is to control our intention not to feel proud of our 'achievement'. If we bought the car because we like Audi and we know that they make good cars, and we want to use the car to do something good like going to work and help other people, that that intention is ok. But how frequent would we have flashing thought of 'I am a Registrar now, so I need to have a better car. I can't be like SHO anymore.' or 'Hopefully somebody will comment something about my new car - it is sooo nice of a car!!'.

May Allah accept our deeds - receiving knowledge and hopefully giving them back.

Rasulullah said:

Indeed, the first people who will be found guilty on Resurrection Day are:

1. A man who was martyred. He will be bought forth, and Allah will remind him of His favours on him, which he will acknowledge. Allah will then ask him, "In what way, then , did you use them?" He will reply, "I fought for Your Cause until I was martyred." Allah will tell him, "You lie! You only fought so that it would be said that you were brave, which has been said." The command will then be issued and he will be dragged over his face until he is thrown into the fire.

2. A man who learned the Knowledge and thought it and recited the Quran. He will be bought forth, and Allah will remind him of His favours on him, which he will acknowledge. Allah will then ask him, "In what way, then , did you use them?" He will reply, "I learned the Knowledge and taught it and recited the Quran for Your sake."." Allah will tell him, "You lie! You only learned the Knowledge so that it would be said that you were a learned man, and you recited the Quran so that it would be said that you were a recitor, which has been said." The command will then be issued and he will be dragged over his face until he is thrown into the fire.

3. A man whom Allah gave an easy life and granted all sorts of riches. He will be bought forth, and Allah will remind him of His favours on him, which he will acknowledge. Allah will then ask him, "In what way, then , did you use them?" He will reply, "I left no way in which You love that money be spent but I spent it for Your sake ." Allah will tell him, "You lie! You only spent so that it would be said that you were generous, which has been said." The command will then be issued and he will be dragged over his face until he is thrown into the fire.

(Hadith Muslim)

Those people are muslims, yet they were the first to be found guilty on Resurrection Day. Let us reflect on ourselves... did we buy the car so that people will say- your car is really classy, I wish I could be like you. Did we but branded names for our clothes and shoes so we can join the 'branded' group. Did I write these Ramadhan reminder so people will say that I am knowledgeable?

Ya Muqallibal Qulub, thabbit qalbi 'ala deenak
O Controller of the hearts, make firm my heart in your religion.


(I don't have Audi A4.... yet).

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Part 2: Ways to increase our earnings

This writing is my summary of the book:
15 ways to increase your earnings by Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi

Half of the book was dedicated to explaining what is true wealth and the danger related to it, in case our du'a are accepted (the way we want them to be) and we become overwhelmed with money - so that we do not forget what to do with our money. It is important to say that increase in earnings/rizq does not mean money purely.

The evidence presented here are explicit aayat and hadith which clearly mentioned on how to increase our provision. It is not something like - if you do good deed, and Allah will like you, so He may give you more money. It is more like - if you do this deed, then you will have your provision increased, and this is the evidence from quran and sunnah. It is so clear from the text that i don't need to elaborate.

Way 1: Taqwa of Allah

And whosoever fears Allah (taqwa) and keep his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily Allah will accomplish His purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things. (Al-Talaq:2-3)

And if people of the towns had believed and had taqwa, certainly, We would have opened for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they rejected (the Messengers). So We called them to task (with punishment) for what they used to earn. (Al-A'raf:96)

Way 2: Seeking forgiveness nad repentance

I said (to them): Ask forgiveness from your Lord: Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving. He will (then) send rain to you in abundance, and give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on your gardens, and bestow on your rivers. (Nuh:10-12)

Prophet said: Whoever persist in asking forgiveness, Allah will make for him, every grief, a way out, and for every difficult situation, an exit, and He will provide him sustenance from places that he did not expect. (Abu Dawud - sahih)

Way 3: Putting One's Trust in Allah (Tawakkal)

Prophet said: If you were to put your trust in Allah (tawakkul) the way that Allah deserves, then you would be provided for as birds are, they leave at the beginning of the day, famished, and they return at the end of the day full. (Al-Tirmidhi - Authentic).

Way 4: Constantly worshiping Allah

Hadith Qudsi: Allah says: O Son of Adam! Take time out to constantly worship me, I will fill your chest with richness, and remove your poverty. And if you do not do so, I will make your hands filled with occupation, and will not remove your poverty. (al-Tirmidho - Authentic)

A reminder to all of us - if we think that we could not allocate some time for prayer when we are at work (because we are so busy), could it be that we become so busy because we do not allocate some time for prayer?

Way 5: Thanking Allah

And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: If you are thankful, I will give you more, but if you are thankless, then verily My punishment is indeed severe. (Ibrahim: 7)

Way 6: Frequently performing Hajj & Umrah

Prophet said: Follow up between Hajj & Umrah (i.e continualy repeat the performance of Hajj & Umrah), because they both eliminate poverty and sins just like a furnace eliminates the dirty impurities of iron, gold and silver. And accepted Hajj has no reward less than paradise. (Al-Tirmidhi - authentic)

Fiqh of al-Aulawiyyat by Yusuf Qaradawi: multiple hajj or umrah are only preferable, not compulsory, hence there are other things that we should do nowadays with that money instead of going for multiple hajj & umrah. Of course, one could argue that he want to go for multiple hajj or umrah so that his provision will increase and he may donate more...

Way 7: Establishing the ties of kinship

Prophet said: Whoever wishes to have his rizq increased and his life-span be extended, thne let him establish the ties of kinship. (Bukhari)

Prophet said: Learn of you lineage, so that you can establish the ties of kinship, for establishing the ties of kinship increases the love amongst the families, and multiples wealth, and extends age. (Bukhari)

Way 8: Spending in the way of Allah

Say; Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and restricts (it) for him, and whatever you spend of anything (in Allah's cause), He will replace it. And He is the Best of providers. (Saba:39)

Prophet said: Allah has said: O son of Adam! Spend, I will spend on you. (Muslim)

Rasulullah said: I swear upon 3 things and ask you to memorize my words: charity taken from a property never decreases it; a man who suffers injustice and is patient with it, Allah will grant him strength; a man who starts begging, Allah will cause him to be poor. (Al-Tirmidhi - authentic)


I will stop there as this note is getting longer. Allah knows best and Akhirat is our main aim.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Part 1: Ways to increase our earnings

Benefit of wealth

Money has always been so valuable. It is a common assumption that poor people who do not have money, live unhappy life. If we rate our life based on how many things we can buy, or how big our houses, or how branded our belongings are, then of course we asssume money should buy us all these. But happiness is not measured by having all those things.

It it not much benefit of getting RM50,000 per month, when we can't eat/drink sugary food, salty food, meat, or travel because we have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack or kidney disease and we are constantly in and out of the hospital. Compare to 'average' people who don't have all the diseases and eat freely. Or even compare to 'poor' people who live in harmony with their surroundings, have money enough to live but no need to think about internet, tv licence, shares in the company etc.

It fits with this hadith:

There is no harm in richness, for he who has taqwa, but good health is better than being rich, for he who has taqwa. (Ibn Majah- authentic by Albani)

Of course, Islamically, with money you can gain a lot of benefit, if we use it wisely. Money should not be our purpose of life (in which as a muslim, it is to worship Allah). In the famous hadith when the poor people asked Rasulullah what can they do to supersede the charity done by the rich people. So Rasulullah prescribed the saying of Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah and Allahuakbar. However, the rich heard about this and started practicing the sayings. The poor people complained to Rasulullah again, and what did Rasulullah replied? That was the advantage of rich people- they have money to give in charity.

The fitnah of wealth

Your wealth and your children are only a trial. And Allah- with Him is a great reward. (Al-Taghabun:15)

Say: If your father, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight, are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving in His Cause, then wait until Allah execute His Decision. And Allah guided not the people who rebellious (disobedient to Allah). (al-Taubah:24)

And there are so many more aayat in the Quran and Hadith explaining over and over again the danger of wealth and why we have to be very cautious. We'll be asked about it certainly in the Day of Judgment. In fact, it is one of 5 questions we'll be asked:

On the Day of Resurrection, a human being's feet will not depart from his Lord until he is questioned about five things: How he consumed his lifetime, how he wore out his body, how he earned and spent his wealth and what he did in implementing what he knew. (Al-Tirmidhi - sahih by Albani)

Importance of Halal Sustenance

As in the previously mentioned hadith, not only what we do with our money is important, but how we earn them- we will be asked as well. Did we add an extra half an hour into our overtime form? Did we sleep when we are supposed to work (of course on-call is different thing altogether)? Did we use office application for personal use? Some of these things are unavoidable, but we can intentionally 'pay them back' by not claiming things we are supposed to.

How about riba'? We are so afraid to eat haram food, in case it becomes our flesh and blood. However, we forgot that riba' money that we earn, we feed our family, we use them to but things including food - certainly this should caught more of our attention than just haram food - most of it we'll secrete anyway.

Before we proceed into the actual ways of increasing our earnings, let us benefit from this last hadith, for those who are in constant feeling of inferiority due to other people's wealth:

Look at those who are below you (in status and wealth), and do not look at those who are above you, because then it is more likely that you will not trivialise the blessings of Allah upon you. (Bukhari)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


What is the scariest ayat in the Quran?

Imam Abu Hanifa said – it is the ayat when Allah declares war against those who are involved with riba’.
Imam Malik commented that there is no other sin that Allah declares war against it, except riba’ – hence it is the worst possible sin.

O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah and give up what remains from Riba, if you are believers. And if you not do it, and take a notice of war from Allah and His Messenger but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly. (Quran 2:278-279)

Have we checked all our possessions and assets- are those free from riba’?
Our house, car, bank, credit card, personal loan, insurance (travel, health, car), our job – are we sure we are not involved?

For those who are capable of avoiding riba’ altogether, may Allah make it easy for you. With the billion dollars Islamic banking/finance industry, we as Muslims should be at the frontline supporting. Of course we can use our only excuse to be involved with Riba’ – darurat (extreme necessity). But we should ask ourselves, how much of it is really of extreme necessity that we prepare to chance it – raging war with Allah and His Messenger?

It is true (to certain extent) that we need to pay more when we take Islamic finance compare to conventional loan. This particular point has put off many people from Islamic finance. I have to agree on this point, that it would be much better if we have to payback less with Islamic finance. However, the industry is still new as compared to conventional bank. We prepare to pay extra for Halal chicken, or allocate some time for praying instead of doing something we love (not that i suggest we don’t like praying) – why not going extra for Islamic finance? It might not be for short term benefit, but certainly beneficial in long run. Insya-Allah.

I have to acknowledge Ustaz Zaharuddin Abd Rahman for he has successfully triggerred awareness about riba/interest in my family as well as thousands other visitors to his website: May Allah reward him for every effort and continue to reward him for his beneficial knowledge till the Day of Judgment.

May Allah make it easy for us to choose the right way. It is not easy.

Monday, August 24, 2009


These collection of quran and hadith were presented by my wife for one of our learning sessions.They are very straight forward, explaining backbiting in a way that is easy to understand - hence don't need any explanation from me.

What is backbiting/Gheebah?

Prophet said: Do you know what backbiting is? The companions said: Allah and His Messenger know best. Thereupon he said: Backbiting means talking about your brother in a manner which he does not like. It was said to him: What is your opinion if the fault I mentioned about my brother was true? Rasulullah said: If what you said about him was true, then you have in fact backbitten him, and if that fault found is not to be true, then it is a slander. (Muslim)

Ibn Mas’ud narrated: We were sitting with the Prophet. Then a man got up and left. Whereupon another person spoke ill of him. The prophet told him: Pick your teeth. The man replied: Why? I haven’t eaten any meat. The prophet replied: You have eaten your brother’s flesh. (Al-Tabarani)

Backbiting is condemned!

And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would abhor it and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the one who accepts repentance. (Al-Hujurat: 12)

Woe to every slanderer and backbiter! (Al-Humazah: 1)

Prophet said: When I was taken up to heaven, I passed by people who had nails of copper and were scratching their faces and their chests. I said: Who are these people Jibril? Jibril replied: They are those who used to backbite and violated people’s honour. (Abu Dawud)

Prophet said: O my people, who believe with their tongue, but belief has not entered their heart, do not backbite another Muslim and do not search for their faults, for if anyone searches for their faults, Allah will search for his fault, and if Allah searches for the fault of anyone, He disgraces him in his house. (Abu Dawud)

Prophet said: Do you know who the bankrupt person is? The companions said: A bankrupt man amongst us is one who has neither Dirham with him or wealth. He said: A truly bankrupt person of my ummah would be he who would come on the Day of Resurrection with prayers and fasts and zakah but since he hurled abuse upon others; backbitten and unlawfully consumed the wealths of others; shed the blood of innocent people, hence his good deeds would be given to the account of those (who suffered at his hand). And if his good deeds fall short, then their sins would be given to his account and he would be thrown in the Hellfire. (Muslim)

What to do when someone else backbiting?

And when they hear vain talk, they turn away from it. (Al-Qasas: 55)

Prophet said: Whoever is present while a Muslim is being humiliated before him, and is able to assist him (and yet does not), Allah will humiliate him before (all of) creation. (Ahmad)

Whoever defends the honour of his brother in his absence, will be entitled to Allah’s protection from the fire. (Ahmad)

Prophet said:Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him either speak good or keep silent. (Agreed Upon)

What is the benefit protecting our brothers?

Prophet said: Whoever averts (an attack) as regards the honour of their brother or sister, Allah will avert the fire from their face on the day of resurrection. (Al-Tirmidhi)

Abu Musa Al Asha’ari narrated: Someone asked the Prophet: Whose Islam is the best? He replied: One who avoids harming a Muslim with his tongue and hands. (Bukhari)

Expiation of backbiting

Prophet said: Whoever has wronged his brother, should ask for his pardon as (in the Hereafter) there will be neither a Dinar nor a Dirham. (He should seek forgiveness in this life) before some of his good deeds are taken and paid to his brother, or if he has no good deed, some of the bad deeds of his brother are taken and added to his (in the Hereafter). (Bukhari)

Backbiting is the way to hellfire.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


All Muslims know that we have 5 pillars of Islam.

1. Shahadah... everybody knows how to utter it and hopefully means it.
2. Salah... 5 times a day.
3. Zakat... yap, during Ramadhan.
4. Fasting... err, actually this one is during Ramadhan.
5. Hajj... to Mecca, but probably not enough money to go there yet.

Back to Zakat. It is not only during Ramadhan we pay Zakat, we should pay zakat EVERY YEAR.
Most of us would be afraid not to fast during Ramadhan, but how many would not pay zakat? Out of the 5 pillars, zakat is the least understood pillar. Out of 30 places al-zakat were mentioned in the quran, 27 of them were mentioned together with salat. Historically, Abu Bakr r.a fought those who refuse to pay zakat, even though they ‘presumably’ still utter shahadah.

Zakat is not a charity that we have the choice when to pay, whenever we have the time. Zakat is a right of the poor from the rich. When the time has come for one to pay zakat, it become compulsory for him to pay - to the extent that if he died before paying zakat, a portion from his wealth needs to be taken for zakat before distribution to the heir. That brings us into another important point – that zakat is one serious business. One should not feel comfortable with any zakat amount that has not been distributed.

When we calculate zakat, there will be time when we feel that probably we should deduct more for our necessity (in order to pay less zakat). It is a difficult thing to overcome. But remember, we prepare to pay thousands for hajj, and we want to make sure we have good hotels, good food etc; so why not we do the same with zakat. Let it be plentiful to be in the side of caution. Plus, zakat is the 3rd pillar of Islam, while Hajj is the last pillar.

If we are still in doubt, then listen to what Allah and His Messenger had promised us regarding charity; that giving charity WILL NEVER decrease your wealth. It has never been so clear in the quran and hadith.

And that which you give in gift, in order that it may increase from other people’s property, has no increase with Allah; but that which you give in Zakat seeking Allah’s Countenance then those, they shall have manifold increase. (Quran 30:39)

Rasulullah said: I swear upon 3 things and ask you to memorize my words: charity taken from a property never decreases it; a man who suffers injustice and is patient with it, Allah will grant him strength; a man who starts begging, Allah will cause him to be poor. (Hadith Al-Tirmidhi)

May Allah accept our deeds.

Pay our zakat, now!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


This is definitely a reminder to me, ahead of everybody else.

Before we go into perfecting our Salat, there is a minimum requirement that we need to fulfil. Do we? Seriously, do we fulfil the minimum criteria?

Pray 5 times a day.
Pray 5 times a day. No matter how busy you are.
Pray 5 times a day. Early.
Pray 5 times a day. In Jamaah.
Pray 5 times a day. With their naafilah prayers.

Scholars disagree as to whether those who does not pray, whether they can be considered muslim?
Even if we take the gentler stance, that we are still Muslims as long as we don’t deny the compulsory of Salat (that we didn’t pray because of our laziness and our weaknesses) – Salat (prayer) will still be the first thing to be asked by Allah in the Day of Judgment. If our salat do not fulfil the criteria, so will be our other deeds.

I still remember the guilty feeling of not praying Friday prayer in Galway mosque because there was a biochemistry practical at 2 on Friday. It was not that we did not pray - we prayed in the university prayer room – all 4 of us. And I still felt guilty. Compare to now, we easily give excuse that we have clinics or ward round that we can’t take 15 minutes to attend Friday prayer. When we don’t have prayer room, we complain. When we do have, we are too busy to use it at all.

The importance of prayer is reflected through the compulsory action itself – unless you don’t have full GCS, or sleeping, or for ladies during their period/nifas – you have to pray no matter in what condition you are in. You can pray while sitting, lying down, or only using your eyes; there is no excuse. You may combine the prayers and make tayamum, but you still have to pray. There is even a specific way of doing Salat in war!!

Solat is our time off to be with our Creator. We dress up for job interview; arrive early for our flight; so why not we prepare extra hard for our Solat. We should, anyway. This is a reminder for me. May Allah make it easy for me... for us. Then Allah will keep us away from evil deeds.

Verily, the prayer keeps one from great sins evil deeds. (Quran 29:45)

Please remind me when I am lazy, or get distracted with the worldly affair. And may Allah remind you as well. Insya-Allah.


Friday, August 21, 2009


I misplaced my wife’s laptop one day in a taxi, and of course it was not intentional. It was already 11pm that night. The entire PhD work was in there. If I failed to recover it, it means that my wife has to start from the beginning all the chapters that she has written, that does not include the reinventing the coding for her statistical data. And of course if won’t stop there, academically only. There would be the whole emotional and psychological repercussion.

I spent many hours that night looking for the taxi man. I don’t have the taxi number and it was dark, so i was not quite sure what type of van was it. One thing i knew, he lived in Lucan, and he sounds really nice, and i knew his surname – Boyle (it was similar to Susan Boyle, that was how i remember it). That was what i could hope for, that the taxi driver was really nice to return it back.
I went to the airport where i picked up the taxi. I actually felt ‘alive’. I was never that active for the many years i have been here in Ireland. I talked to every single taxi driver that drives a van, in case he knew the man i was looking for. I searched the internet for help. I got few numbers which i could call that might help me, but it was 12 midnight. Nobody works at 12 midnight. I called about 7 different taxi companies, in case they could tract their taxi drivers, whether one of them might be in the airport between 11-12 pm – even though most of them were really helpful, but it was not successful.

It was all unsure until my mother in-law called me from home when i was at the airport. She said that somebody came by to drop the laptop. I was relieved. No, I was really grateful, really happy. At the very least, I don’t have to burden myself with guilt if anything happen to my wife’s work. It felt like you were given second chance.

I am sure we have all at least experience that kind of moment, when you feel like that was it, you have no hope and it is the end of the line. We lost something, and we found it. The happiness was indescribable. It is a different kind of happiness. It is more satisfying than the feeling of accomplishment and when we buy something new. We were off the track and we are back.
If we are pleased to receive the things that we have lost, then behold that Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His slave.

Harith b. Suwaid said: I went to see 'Abdullah to inquire about his health as he was sick and he narrated to us a hadith of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him). He heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His believing servant than a person who loses his riding beast carrying food and drink. He sleeps (being disappointed of its recovery) and then gets up and goes in search for that, until he is stricken with thirst. Then he comes back to the place where he had been before and goes to sleep completely exhausted placing his head upon his hands waiting for death. And when he gets up, lot there is before him his riding beast and his provisions of food and drink. Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than the recovery of this riding beast along with the provisions (of food and drink). (Muslim 37:6613).
I wrote this a reminder for myself that no matter how big my sins toward Allah are, the door of repentance is always open.

Say: O My Slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Quran 39:53)
