At Peace

My Lifetime Stories in blog

Sunday, May 07, 2017

What to do if we hear somebody badmouth other people?

Although difficult, in situations when someone we know is being bad-mouthed at/backbitten, I do think we should practice these steps:
1. Do no join them furthermore by adding more stories that affirm what they are saying. (even if you don't like that person).
2. If we cannot say anything nice, either we keep quiet or leave the gathering. Beware that keeping quiet also can be viewed as something affirmative.
3. Even if we agree with what is being said, the rule is - that person is not there to defend him/herself. So it is not fair.
4. Repeat the sentence without the'bad words' associated with it. If somebody said, such a lazy person, typical (insert race) doctors. So we said, "What did the doctor do?" without the word 'insert race".
5. Change the topic/Distraction. "Did you hear about the news last night? It was so awful"
6. Diffuse the severity of accusation. "I saw that he was late this morning. There must be something happening. No wonder he was in a bad mood." or "Although his treatment is weird, I know he is such an experience guy. May be we should check the literature on the evidence"
7. Protect that person if you think what he did is genuinely good. "I think it is good that he complains. Though we don't like it, at least we know what's wrong and we can rectify it."
8. Lastly, even if you cannot intervene at that time, go to the person that was harassed if they are okay.
We are not perfect and there will always be slipped up from our sides. Be remindful to each other.


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